Mainframe Resources
00. About
01. Transaction Processing Systems
02. Programming Capabilities
03. Introduction to Language Environment
04. Batch Systems
05. Understanding Batch Processing
06. JCL Coding Requirements
07. What is Websphere Application Server?
08. WebSphere Application Server for z/OS
09. Overview of DB2
10. DB2 Internals
11. Overview of SQL
12. SQL and SPUFI
13. Introduction to DB2 Relational Databases and SQL
14. The DB2 Server Alternatives
15. DB2 for z/OS Implementation
16. Defining Database Objects
17. DDL - Defining a Table
18. Referential Integrity
19. Using SPUFI and IBM Data Studio to access DB2
20. Viewing Database Objects - The Catalog
21. Embedding SQL in an Application Program
22. Manipulating Data and Components of an Application Program
23. Using Cursors to Reference Table Data
24. Commits and Savepoints
25. Writing a DB2 COBOL Program
26. Writing a DB2 COBOL Cursor Update Program
27. Introducing Stored Procedures
28. Introducing DB2 Stored Procedures on z/OS
29. General DB2 Operations
30. Monitoring and Resolving DB2 Operational Problems
31. Identifying and Resolving DB2 System Problems
32. CICS Startup and Shutdown
33. Identifying CICS Problems
34. Interpreting CICS Messages
35. Entering CICS Commands
36. Resolving CICS Problems
37. Basic Features of the REXX Language
38. Executing REXX Programs in TSO/E
39. REXX Terms, Variables and Operators
40. REXX Conversational and Variable Management Instructions
41. Logic Flow - Conditional Processing
42. Logic Flow - Looping
43. Execution Control Instructions
44. String Functions
45. Text and Word Functions
46. Numeric, Justification and Conversion Functions
47. REXX Environment Functions
48. File Processing Functions
49. TSO/E REXX Execution and Buffer Control Commands
50. TSO/E File Control
51. TSO/E External Functions
52. z/OS Host Command Environments
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